A freelance designer’s working life if one of feast or famine, we adapt to demand, moving fluidly between busy times and quiet, trying to remain calm when projects are scarce. Our pricing structure is based on the nature of freelance work, yet it can be challenging to justify these rates to clients who perceive us as expensive. What if you could increase how much you earn, without having to raise your daily rate?

The freelance life
Freelancing can be a rollercoaster - we love the busy times, working from anywhere, choosing which clients to work with, we hate the unpredictability of demand and having to do the boring admin jobs. But what if there was a way to create a safety net for slower periods without raising our daily rate and even boost demand among existing and new clients as a result?
Does this scenario sound familiar?
You receive an enquiry for a brand project and if you're free to take on the job, you might send a brief sheet or form to complete, or the client might send you a summary of what they need via email. Then, you go back and forth with questions and answers about the project before providing a fee estimate. Once the quote is accepted, there may be additional time spent requesting files, guidelines, fonts and any other assets relevant to the project you will be working on. None of this back and forth feels chargeable, despite it's time consuming nature, we're not lawyers after all!
Typically, the costs you recover tend to be equivalent to the design time invested in the project. While the estimate can be accurate at times, there are instances where it falls short or feels less than appropriate, occasionally resulting in a loss if projects drag out. However, imagine a scenario where you could be compensated for all the time spent during the briefing period and also secure additional work as a result.
Enhancing the discovery phase using the brand alchemy method
For many freelance designers, a significant portion of the discovery phase goes unpaid for, introducing clients to the brand alchemy method allows them to recognise your specialised skill set, expert guidance and the value these bring to the process. The brand alchemy approach emphasises the importance of blending a designer's expertise with the client's knowledge of their brand to ensure that the project brief becomes a collaborative endeavour. This is achieved through a detailed brand audit that harnesses the power of brand psychology.
As a result, designing effective solutions becomes easier, hitting brand briefs first time, preventing lukewarm, uncertain responses from clients or numerous revision requests and re-dos.
What is the brand alchemy method?
The brand alchemy method is the missing link between a client's brief and the designer's solution. It provides the foundation that supports all brand creation thereafter. Based in psychology and used by the biggest agencies for decades, it begins with identifying your clients brand personality or archetype. Together you can help them to discover their attributes while reviewing their brand values to ensure all is in alignment. The result of this informs the tone of voice, the most appropriate colour palette and even the font choices that you as the designer can interpret using the brand alchemy method.
The results
Clients become eager for this approach to be used across all brand touch-points, providing the freelancer with more work. Clients receive positive feedback and praise for their new brand image, leading to a higher referral rate - I have been told many times by clients that I am the only designer that's ever "got them"! This may sound like a fantasy, but it has been my experience since developing the brand alchemy method. I have been implementing it for 7 years now with a 100% success rate and I am excited to share it with other freelance designers who are either experiencing a lull in demand or who are ready to take their brand knowledge to the next level.
Time to up-skill to expert level
By taking the brand alchemy course, designers can learn how to utilise this approach to effectively engage clients right from the start, establishing yourself as a brand expert and persuading clients to follow your guidance during a brand audit. This assessment offers crucial perspectives that clients might overlook, making it the key element that empowers designers to successfully meet the project requirements without the need for multiple design options and/or edits. The magic of brand alchemy lies in your ability to utilise the audit findings to create brand solutions that consistently nail the brief!
Expertise behind the course
The Brand Alchemy course for designers is packed full of industry experience that you won't find online - participants will learn brand psychology techniques and a unique method of applying them to a brand brief. My expertise as a brand specialist comes from working with, and freelancing for; Wimbledon AELTC, Ralph Lauren, Warner Bros, The Golf Open, Links of London, Vodafone, Creative Assembly, Schwarzkopf, Sony Music and Honda (to name a few).
To learn more about the transformative power of brand alchemy and enrol in the designer course, visit the website. The Brand Alchemy for businesses program will launch in the upcoming year. If you are a business looking to grasp this method and implement it in your own brand, sign up now to express your interest and enjoy a discount on the Brand Alchemy for businesses course. You can also work with me direct on your brand project by getting in touch today.